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What types of samples are accepted?

We accept already constructed libraries that are ready to be sequenced.

What are the volume and concentration requirements for sample submission? The minimum molarity for any library submission is 5nM, but the minimum volume depends on the flowcell type. Please see the below table:

Sequencing Platform Minimum Molarity Minimum Volume
Illumina® NovaSeq S4 5nM 130uL
Illumina® NovaSeq S2 5nM 55uL
Illumina® NovaSeq SP/S1 5nM 35uL
Illumina® NovaSeq X Plus 1.5B 5nM 20uL
Illumina® NovaSeq X Plus 10B 5nM 60uL
Illumina® NovaSeq X Plus 25B 5nM 100uL
Illumina® NextSeq 500 MO or HO 5nM 10uL
Illumina® MiSeq 4nM 20uL
Element AVITI™ Cloudbreak Freestyle 5nM 20uL
Long-Read Sequencing Platform Minimum Concentration Minimum order
PacBio Revio™ 20-60ng/ul in 28ul (concentration varies based on insert size) SMRT™ Cell
Oxford Nanopore Technologies® 2-10ug (concentration varies based on prep type and coverage needed) Flow cell

May I send my samples at room temperature?

Please do not send samples at room temperature, unless the sample is already at room temperature and is being dropped off in person. Samples that are packed frozen and stay frozen during delivery are much less likely to contaminate each other.

I am in the Seattle area. May I drop off my sample directly to your lab?

Yes! Once the quote and sample submission form are complete and you are ready to drop off your sample, please contact us for directions and to schedule a drop off.

Can I submit custom primers with my samples?

Yes, if necessary. The amount will vary depending on the platform used, but typically 20uL of 100uM primer is sufficient.

I do not need a lot of data, can I order part of a lane?

No, we do not sell partial lanes. We recommend either choosing another platform that generates fewer reads or waiting until you have more samples to submit.

What is the turnaround time for sequencing?

Turnaround time greatly depends on the number of samples submitted and the availability of the sequencers. The typical turnaround time is 2-4 weeks for sequencing only projects.

Do you discard samples after a certain amount of time?

No. Currently, we do not have a contingency plan for discarding submitted samples for sequencing only projects.


Will my samples go through quality control before they are sequenced?

Yes! All samples that are submitted as sequencing only projects require QC prior to sequencing. Each sample will be run on the Qubit and the Bioanalyzer. The QC will be reported back to the user before any sequencing begins to ensure the libraries are what is expected.

What happens if my sample fails QC?

Samples that fail QC are reported back to the user and they can reprep their libraries.

Data Delivery

How will I know when my data are available?

You will receive an email from notifying you data is available for download via Globus.

What data do I get back from the NWGC?

For Sequencing Only Projects, raw run data is converted to FASTQ format and placed on our server for you to download. If you require any raw data or run files, there is an additional bioinformatics fee based on an hourly rate.

When will I receive my data?

Our typical turnaround time is 2-4 weeks from submission to data being ready for download. This time may be shorter or longer depending on our current workload.


Do you have a Globus server endpoint?

UW has the lowest bracket of Globus service so there are limitations. Please understand that Windows Server is not an official supporter of the platform for the Globus Connect Personal (GCP) software. The Windows versions officially supported for GCP are listed in our doc here. Some users do report success using GCP on Windows Server.

Can I upload my Globus data right to AWS?

Please consider the above questions answer and troubleshoot using the link provided via Globus found here.

How long will my data be available on Globus?

Once emailed that your data is ready on Globus, you will have 120 days to access it before it is deleted indefinitely.