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10x scRNAseq and ATACseq

Product Utility Specifications
10X Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression Multiply your power of discovery with combined epigenomic and gene expression profiling using the assay for transposase accessible chromatin (ATAC) to identify regions of open chromatin alongside RNA-seq. Gain deeper insights into cell types and states with linked transcriptional and epigenomic analyses. Understand gene regulatory networks by linking open chromatin regions with gene expression profiles at single cell resolution. Easily interpret epigenetic profiles with key expression markers. • Efficiently partition 500–10,000 nuclei per channel, for up to 80,000 nuclei per run  • Scalable; run up to 8 samples in parallel  • High nuclei capture rates of up to 65%  • Low multiplet rates of 0.8% per 1,000 cells
Efficient and robust workflow: Generate two complementary libraries from the same sample.

Single Cell Multiome