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Data Delivery

We use a data transfer/share system called Globus. To receive your sequencing or genotyping data, you will need to have an account on and get access granted. Please ask the individuals who will transfer data to login to Globus and send us the email addresses associated with their Globus account. We will email a link to the appropriate data share to those individuals. Please notify us if access for any individuals should be changed.

What is Globus?

Globus is a service provider that manages login credentials and coordinates transfers between organizations. If you are new to Globus, you will need to create an account for Globus before we can assign access permissions (Note: you can sign in with institutional, Google, or ORCiD credentials).
If you’d like to test connectivity and throughput, you can access the UWGS Demo Endpoint #1 at UWGS Demo Endpoint #1. Read-only access is open to all Globus users.

More Globus Information:
Globus Connect Personal Plug-In
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Globus Support

Please Note!

For Full Pipeline Projects (Library Construction & Sequencing), data are archived after 90 days and held on tape for longer.
For Sequencing Only Projects, data are deleted after 120 days.

Optional Pipeline Analysis:

  1. Bams mapped to GRC38
  2. Raw data (bams) for non-human genomes, amplicons, etc.