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Getting Started

Thank you for your interest in the NWGC!

Below is a list of important information and tips for using our Genotyping Only services.

If you have any questions at all during the process, the project manager is the best contact to get your question answered. Please see the Contact Us page.

1.) Request a Quote

Have a clear outline of the goals and expectations for your project. The project managers in our lab will do everything they can to make sure this is met and having this information upfront can greatly help with providing all the data and information you need.

For quotes, please email  

2.) Sample Submission Information

  • Please review the sample submission instructions carefully! This document has detailed information about how our genotyping workflow functions, so it is important to review prior to submitting samples.
  • A project manager will contact you regarding sample submission. Please do not send any samples before reviewing the quote and returning the signed quote or purchase order to NWGC.
  • Once the project specifications are finalized, the project manager will send you a copy of the manifest and sample submission instructions. Use this to help you get your samples to us!

3.) QC Results

  • Once we receive all of your samples, they will be run through our QC workflow. This will include qubit and sex assays. In order for samples to pass our QC and proceed to genotyping, we ask for at least 20 ul of sample at a concentration of 50 ng/ul. (Generally require 1ug of DNA (per sample) of input).
  • It is important to note that if your samples don’t meet the submission/QC criteria, this will delay your project!

4.) Data Delivery

Once all genotyping is complete for your project, we will send you an email with a link to your specific data which has been uploaded onto Globus.