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Quality Control

The Northwest Genomics Center (NWGC) performs multiple QC steps on RNA samples prior to sequencing.

Concentration Validation

All samples are tested using the Qubit RNA assay kit (Invitrogen) to measure RNA concentration.

Fragment Analysis for RNA samples

All RNA samples are run using an Advanced Analytical Fragment Analyzer to assess the initial quality of each sample. An RQS score is generated for each sample and these data are compared against the reported RQS from the submitted sample manifest.

QC Report

The investigator will receive an email and a report detailing any QC failures. Samples that fail QC are not eligible to proceed into the sequencing pipeline. QC issues will need to be resolved by the investigator before the project can proceed to sequencing.

Resolution of QC Failures

If a sample has failed due to insufficient mass or low RNA integrity, the investigator may submit a replacement sample by filling out a new manifest describing the replacement sample. Submission of replacement samples will delay the release of data for the project.

If a replacement sample is not available, a single sample may be excluded from the project. In cases where the failing sample is critical to the analysis (i.e., the proband in a trio), the entire family will be excluded.