STLP Equipment Renewal - Spring 2020
Student Technology Loan Program
As a result of the current public health emergency, which required the university to shift to an entirely remote learning model, the inventory of laptop and tablet computers maintained by the Student Technology Loan Program (STLP) has experienced a surge in utilization by students. During spring quarter, the inventory of 630 laptop and 169 tablet computers has reached a 94% utilization rate. These devices are currently on loan for the full duration of the academic quarter so students may conduct their studies remotely. While the program is proud to be in a position to lend laptop and tablet computers to so many students during this critical time, the experience has exposed an urgent need to replace the oldest of these devices. These devices have reached the end of their useful life and are either failing or are no longer able to provide students with the experience they expect during this challenging period in their academic career. The program anticipates its inventory of laptop and tablet devices will remain under strain for months to come as remote learning continues to take precedence. Further increasing demand over the summer period, the program has entered into a partnership with First Year Programs (FYP) whereby admitted students may make reservations for laptop computers for a period of 5 business days in order to participate in virtual advising and orientation sessions.